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The Bible and Neuroscience

Writer's picture: Cheryl CallahanCheryl Callahan

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Through the process of counseling I assist clients in discovering negative erroneous beliefs, and replacing them with true life-giving beliefs as God states in the Bible . These negative false thoughts are usually learned from our earliest years, 18 months and younger.

The Bible and Neuroscience

I find it fascinating when modern science validates what God has made known for several thousand years. The most current example is the finding neuroscientists have discovered about our brains. They call this phenomenon neuroplasticity. It is the ability to change and reorganize itself in order to store information and to arrive at responses to outside events.

You may be asking, “what does this have to do with the bible?” Paul encourages followers of Jesus in Romans 12:1-2 to be transformed by the renewing of your mind (neuroplasticity).

The application of this for us is that I can fill my mind with the truth about who God says I am……a loved, precious, valuable child of His. I can replace negative, false, self defeating thoughts such as I am not valuable, esteemed and loved with the new truth of what God says. How does this happen? When you replace these old thoughts with the new ones over time new neural pathways form in your brain.

Zephaniah 3:17 states that God rejoices over you with singing…You literally inspire God to sing about you. In Roman 8:28, Paul tells us that we are so valuable to God that NOTHING can separate us from his love. Through out the gospels it states that we are completely accepted and loved “in Christ” regardless of our behavior; 2 Peter 1:3 states that God give us everything we need for life and godliness; Philippians 4:7 states that God gives peace that surpasses our ability to even understand. These are a few truths if absorbed and believed are truly life changing and according to neuroscience brain altering. As you discover, say, and then believe these marvelous truths the negative self defeating thoughts of low self worth and value will be replaced with thoughts of value, importance and purpose. Looks like ‘ole Paul was telling us the truth all along. Neuroscience has confirmed it. The evidence is in the new neural pathways in our brain and our changed life!

Through the process of counseling I assist clients in discovering negative erroneous beliefs, and replacing them with true life-giving beliefs as God states in the Bible. These negative false thoughts are usually learned from our earliest years, 18 months and younger.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a session with Cheryl.

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